SystemAction: Session is not established.
User Response: Checkyour server address and make sure that the server is up and
running. Retry the operation, and if the problem continues, shut down the system,
reboot and retry the operation. If the problem continues, see your system
ANS1402E TLI.DLLnot found in search path
Explanation: TSM cannot find the TLI DLLin the current search path. This error
only applies when using IPX/SPX communications.
SystemAction: Session is not established.
User Response: Placethe directory where this file resides in the path statement.
Shut down the system and reboot.
ANS1403E Error loading TLI.DLL
Explanation: An error occurs while loading the TLI.DLLinto memory. This error
only applies when using IPX/SPX communications.
SystemAction: Session is not established.
User Response: Thiserror is caused by insufficient memory. Shut down the
system and reboot. If the problem continues, see your system administrator.
ANS1404E Error loading one or morefunctions from the TLI.DLL
Explanation: An error occurs while loading one or more functions from the
TLI.DLL file.This error only applies when using IPX/SPX communications.
SystemAction: Session is not established.
User Response: Thiserror is caused by insufficient memory. Shut down the
system and reboot. If the problem continues, see your system administrator.
ANS1450E APPC unable to allocate conversation.
Explanation: The client is unable to allocate anAPPC conversation to the server.
SystemAction: The client terminates.
User Response: Ensurethat the partner LU name and transaction program name in
the client configuration file (dsm.opt) are correct. See your system administrator to
get the proper partner LU name and transaction program name.
ANS1451E APPC deallocate error.
Explanation: TSM receives an incorrect return code from the deallocate verb. This
error does not affect the TSM program.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: None.
ANS1452E APPC missing LU name.
Explanation: Alogical unit name is necessary to complete the operation.
SystemAction: Processing stops.
Version 3 Release 7