ANR0481W Session session number for node node name (client platform) terminated - client
did not respond within commtimeout seconds seconds.
Explanation: The server ends a client session because the client has been holding
database locks (a transaction was in progress) and the client has not responded in
the number of seconds specified by the COMMTIMEOUT parameter in the server
options file.
SystemAction: The server rolls back the transaction that has been in progress and
the session is ended. Server operation continues.
User Response: Ifa large number of these messages appear, you may want to
increment the value specified for the COMMTIMEOUT value in the server options
file and restart the server.The amount of time that it takes for a client to respond is
dependent upon the speed and processor load for the client and the network load.
ANR0482W Session session number for node node name (client platform) terminated - idle for
more than idletimeout minutes minutes.
Explanation: The server ends a client session because it has been idle for more
minutes than specified in the IDLETIMEOUT parameter in the server options file.
The client program will automatically attempt to reconnect to the server when
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: Ifthe problems persists, increase the value specified for the
IDLETIMEOUT parameter in the server options file and restart the server.Many
times, the client program is idle while waiting for the user to choose an action to
perform (for example, backup, archive, restore, or retrieve files). If a user starts the
client program and does not choose an action to perform, the session will eventually
time out. The client program automatically reconnects to the server when the user
chooses an action that requires server participation. Note that a large number of idle
sessions can inadvertently prevent other users from connecting to the server, so care
should be used when increasing the IDLETIMEOUT parameter.
ANR0483W Session session number for node node name (client platform) terminated - forced
by administrator.
Explanation: The server ends a client session in response to a CANCEL
SESSION command issued by an authorized administrator.
SystemAction: The server rolls back any transactions in progress for the
terminated client session.
User Response: None.
Version 3 Release 7