ANR8825E ’Volumerange’ is not a valid volume range.
Explanation: The specified string is not a valid volume range.
SystemAction: The program prompts for a new volume range.
User Response: Enterthe volume names in the range that is within the length
constraints for the media type being labeled, and which contains only alphanumeric
characters. The volume names of the begining and ending volume must be the same
in length and the incrementals must be in digits.
ANR8826E No Entry/Exit found on library library name.
Explanation: ACHECKIN LIBVOLUME SEARCH=BULK command was issued
on a library that has no Entry/Exit ports.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: None.
ANR8827E No Entry/Exit port is available on library library name.
Explanation: ACHECKOUT LIBVOL command was issued on a library where
all its Entry/Exit Ports were found to be full.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: Emptyall the Entry/Exit ports on the library and try the command
ANR8828E Slot element number of library library name is inaccessible.
Explanation: The slot in the library could not be physically accessed at this time.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: Verify that the Entry/Exit door is closed and the device has not
logged any device errors before trying the command again.
ANR8829I Remove volume volume name from slot element number of library library name
at your convenience.
Explanation: Avolume has been checked out from the library and placed in a
multiple entry/exit port library.The volume needs to be removed from the library,
but the operation is not critical.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: Remove the volume from the entry/exit slot.
Version 3 Release 7