ANR4643I Processed number of log recordslog records.
Explanation: Periodically,during the commit of a point-in-time restore or while
rolling forward updates during a roll forward restore, the server displays the number
of log records processed.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: None.
ANR4644I Afull backup will be required for the next database backup operation.
Explanation: During a point-in-time restore of a database, this message is
displayed to notify the administrator that the next database backup taken during
normal operation must be a full backup. This process is normal for point-in-time
database restores.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: Atthe next server restart, do a full database backup. Afull
database backup is started automatically if a DBBACKUPTRIGGER is defined.
ANR4645I The restore date reflects the most recentbackup available up to the specified
Explanation: During a DSMSERVRESTORE DB with the TODATE parameter,
the date of the restored backup was not identical to the date specified on the
command. The backup series that was restored is the most recent backup series up
to and including the specified date.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: Makesure the date of the restored database is satisfactory. If it is
not, restore the database again by specifying a different TODATEor by restoring
individual database backups.
ANR4646I Database capacity required for restoreis number of megabytes megabytes.
Explanation: During a point-in-time restore of a database, the size of the database
being restored is displayed. The available capacity of the online database volumes
must be at least this size.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: None.
Version 3 Release 7