2. Reduce the maximum number of client sessions permitted. Todo this, edit the
DSMSERVOPT file and reduce the value specified for the MAXSESSIONS
statement. Note that each client session causes an additional 64KB of memory to
be allocated.
3. Decrease the amount of space allocated to the server’s database buffer pool. To
do this, edit the DSMSERVOPT file and reduce the value specified for the
BUFPOOLSIZE statement. Note that each buffer pool page causes an additional
4 KB of memory to be allocated.
Note that the server must be shut down (with the HALTcommand) before changes
can be made to the DSMSERVOPT file.
ANR5956E (S/390)Clibrary not available, unable to continue.
Explanation: The C/370 or LE/370 library is not available.
SystemAction: Server operation ends.
User Response: Make the C/370 or LE/370 library available to the server.
ANR5957W (S/390)
C library is at level level.
Explanation: The C run-time library is at a lower level (level) than expected.
SystemAction: Server attempts to continue operation.
User Response: Ensure that the proper level of the C/370 or LE/370 library is
installed and available to the server.
ANR5958E (S/390)SVMis at level level, the server requires at least required-level, unable to
Explanation: The SVM run-time library is at level level, but the server requires at
least level required-level.
SystemAction: Server operation ends.
User Response: Check the required PTFs for the server. Ensure that the proper
level of SVM is installed.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages