ANR3045I command: Domain domain associated with profile profilename.
Explanation: The command has successfully associated the domain with the
specified profile. The domain definition will be automatically propogated to
managed servers which subscribe to the profile.
SystemAction: The command succeeded.
User Response: None.
ANR3046W command: No additional domains associated with profile profilename.
Explanation: No additional domains were associated with the profile. The
domain(s) specified are already associated with the profile.
SystemAction: Server operation continues. The command is not processed.
User Response: Usethe QUERY DOMAIN command to check which domains are
defined on the server and then reissue to DEFINE PROFASSOCIATIONcommand.
which domains are already associated with the profile.
ANR3047E command: No matching admin schedules found in configuration.
Explanation: No admin schedule definitions were found on the configuration
manager that match the admin schedule(s) specified on the DEFINE
SystemAction: Server operation continues. The command is not processed.
User Response: Usethe QUERY SCHEDULETYPE=ADMIN command to check
which admin schedules are defined on the server and then reissue to DEFINE
ANR3048I command:All admin schedules associated with profile profilename.
Explanation: The command has successfully associated all the admin schedules
with the specified profile.All admin schedule definitions will be automatically
propogated to managed servers which subscribe to the profile. If an admin schedule
is added to the configuration manager in the future, its definition will also be
automatically propogated to the managed servers.
SystemAction: The command succeeded.
User Response: None.
Version 3 Release 7