ANR7809I (AS/400)
Formatting file fileName at size fileSize.
Explanation: The specified file is being formatted.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: None.
ANR7810W (AIX)Unable to create a new child process.
Explanation: The server cannot create a new child thread.
SystemAction: Server processing continues. Other error messages from the server
component are displayed.
User Response: Ensurethat sufficient paging space is available for AIX. If the
server has been started from a non-root user ID, ensure that theAIX process limit
per user is sufficient for the server.The server requires approximately 24 processes,
in addition to one process per client session, and one process for each background
operation. Each thread started by the server is anAIX process. To change the
number of processes per user, use the SMITmenus for System Environment, and
choose Change / Show Characteristics of Operating System. Youmay also use
SMIT to determine if the number of applications is causing a memory shortage. It
may be necessary to decrease the maximum number of client sessions by changing
the MAXSESSIONS option in the server options file.
ANR7810I (AS/400)
Connected to Tivoli event server atnode name on port port.
Explanation: The server successfully established a connection with the Tivoli
event server on the specified node name and port.
SystemAction: Server sends events to the Tivoli event server using this
User Response: None.
ANR7810E (HP-UX)
Error creating console input thread.
Explanation: Unable to start console input thread.
SystemAction: Server operation stops.
User Response: Seeother issued messages.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages