ANR7810E (Solaris)
Error creating console input thread.
Explanation: Unable to start console input thread.
SystemAction: Server operation stops.
User Response: Seeother issued messages.
Unable to connect to the Tivoli event server atnode name on port port.
Explanation: The server was unable to established a connection with the Tivoli
event server on the specified node name and :port.
SystemAction: Event logging to the Tivoli event server is disabled.
User Response: Ensurethat the Tivoli event server is running on the specified
system. If the system on which the event server is running does not support the
TCP/IP Portmapper,then ensure that the value specifed for Tivoli Port in the ADSM
server options file is correct.
Insufficient memory for console initialization.
Explanation: The server is unable to allocate enough memory for console
SystemAction: Server operation stops.
User Response: Ensurethat there is sufficient paging space for HP-UX. It may be
necessary to reduce the maximum number of client sessions by changing the
MAXSESSIONS option in the server options file.
Insufficient memory for console initialization.
Explanation: The server is unable to allocate enough memory for console
SystemAction: Server operation stops.
User Response: Ensurethat there is sufficient paging space for Sun Solaris. It may
be necessary to reduce the maximum number of client sessions by changing the
MAXSESSIONS option in the server options file.
Version 3 Release 7