User Response: None.
ANR0842I Command:(Job ID ):Archive cleanup was cancelled - number of nodes nodes
processed, last node was last node.
Explanation: The indicated archive directory cleanup job was cancelled. Prior to
cancellation, the indicated number of nodes were processed. The last processed node
is also displayed.
SystemAction: The archive cleanup operation ends. Server processing continues.
User Response: The archive directory cleanup may be restarted by specifying the
JOBID parameter on the CLEANARCHDIRectories command.
ANR0843I Command:Archive directory cleanup job Job ID completed successfully number
of nodes nodes were processed.
Explanation: An archive directory cleanup job completed successfully.The job
identifier and the number of nodes that were processed are displayed.
SystemAction: The archive directory cleanup operation ends.
User Response: None.
ANR0844E Job ID: Skipping node node name - node not found.
Explanation: The indicated nodename was not processed by the indicated archive
directory cleanup job. The node was not found by the time the job got around to
working on it.
SystemAction: The node is skipped. Other nodes are processed.
User Response: None.
ANR0845I Job ID: Skipping node node name - is not a backup/archive node.
Explanation: The indicated nodename was not processed by the indicated archive
directory cleanup job. The node was not a backup/archive client node.
SystemAction: The node is skipped. Other nodes are processed.
User Response: None.
ANR0846I Job ID: Deleted ( objIdHi.objIdHi ) for node ( Node name ) fsId( File Space Id hl(
Dir Name Part 1 ) ll( Dir Name Part 2 ) descr( Dir Description ).
Explanation: The indicated archive directory cleanup job deleted a duplicate
directory entry.Information from the data base about the duplicate entry is
Version 3 Release 7