User Response: Before server name can be deleted, the managed server must not
have a connection to that server and the managed server cannot have any
device-class references to that server.
ANR3376W Server server name is the event server and cannot be deleted during
configuration refresh processing.
Explanation: During configuration refresh processing, the enterprise configuration
facility attempted to remove the indicated server definition because it has been
deleted from the configuration manager or because the profile association no longer
exists. The indicated server could not be deleted on the managed server because it is
the event server for the managed server.
SystemAction: Refresh processing continues, but this server definition is not
deleted. The system will attempt to delete the server during later configuration
refresh operations.
User Response: Before server name can be deleted, the DELETE
EVENTSERVERcommand must be used to remove the event server reference to
server name.
ANR3377W Replacement of local server server name with a definition from the
configuration manager is not allowed.
Explanation: During configuration refresh processing, the enterprise configuration
facility attempted to replace the indicated server definition with a definition from
the configuration manager.This operation could not be performed because
ALLOWREPLACE=NO for the indicated server.
SystemAction: Refresh processing continues, but this server definition is not
replaced. The system will attempt to replace the server definition during later
configuration refresh operations.
User Response: Before the local server definition for server name can be replaced
with a definition from the configuration manager, the UPDATESERVER command
must be used to set theALLOWREPLACE attribute to ON.
ANR3470I Command:Auditing enterprise configuration definitions.
Explanation: The server has started to audit database definitions used by the
enterprise configuration facility.
SystemAction: Server database audit operation continues.
User Response: None.
Version 3 Release 7