ANR1842E An error occurred on thereceiverName receiver.
Explanation: An error occurred on the specified receiver.
SystemAction: The server no longer sends events to the receiver.
User Response: Issuea BEGIN EVENTLOGGING command for the receiver to
attempt to start logging events to the receiver again.
ANR1843I Event log receiver initialization in progress.
Explanation: Initialization is starting for the eventlog receivers.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: None.
ANR1844I Eventlog command command processed.
Explanation: The specified command was processed.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: Ifany previous messages indicate that parts of the command
failed, reissue the command for those parts only.
ANR1850E Circular event logging detected. The event serverhas previously handled event
Event number from Sourcetrail. To prevent looping, events which have already
been logged by the event server are not sent again. Please correct the situation
causing circular logging to avoid wasting system resources.
Explanation: The server is attempting to log an event which has previously been
handled by the event server that is currently defined.
SystemAction: The event is not sent to the event server.Other events will still be
sent, and this message will be issued periodically if this situation is detected again.
User Response: Determinewhat is wrong with the server to server event logging
setup, and fix the problem.
ANR1851E The source trail for server to serverevent logging has exceeded the maximum
length of Maximum sourcetrail length bytes.
Explanation: While attempting to log an event to the event server, the server has
found that the source trail length is too long.
SystemAction: The server continues to try to send the event to the event server,
but the source trail may be truncated and appear something like:
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages