User Response: Verifythat communications are active between the client and
server machines. Server outages, processor outages, and communication controller
outages can cause this error.
ANS1093E Server does not support point-in-time option.
Explanation: The server to which you are connected, does not support point in
time values.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Enter the command without specifying the point in time option.
ANS1094I The EXPIRATION option is ignored. Processing continues
Explanation: The EXPIRATIONoption on the ARCHIVE command is ignored.
SystemAction: Processing continues.
User Response: None.
ANS1097E Unable to read help text
Explanation: The Help facility cannot read the help text file.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Make sure the DSM_DIR environment variable points to the
correct directory containing the current level of TSM program files.
ANS1098E Process terminated; Program memory exhausted.
Explanation: The program used all available storage.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Free any unnecessary programs (TSRs) that are running, and retry
the operation. Reducing the scope of queries and the amount of data returned can
also solve the problem.
ANS1099E File ’filename’ not previously archived
Explanation: Youtried to give access to a file, which is not stored on the server.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Ensure that the correct filename is specified.
ANS1100E File ’filename’ not previously backed up
Explanation: Youtried to give access to a file, which is not stored on the server.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Ensure that the correct filename is specified.
ANS1101S Internal program error. Failing message value was value. Please see your
service representative.
Explanation: An unexpected catastrophic program failure occurred, indicated by
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
8. Command–Line Client