ANR5360E (S/390)Requestnumber: Cartridge Length Incompatible on device real address.
Explanation: Atape cartridge has been mounted on a drive and the tape is too
long to be processed on the drive or has been initialized to the wrong length.
SystemAction: The server marks the volume in an I/O error condition and
requests another volume be mounted.
User Response: Replyto the new mount request. If necessary, reset the error
condition with the UPDATEVOLUME command. The integrity of the original
volume may have been compromised. Todelete the volume, issue the DELETE
VOLUME command with the DISCARD=NO option.
ANR5361E (S/390)Requestnumber: Cartridge Format Incompatible on device real address.
Explanation: Atape cartridge has been mounted on a drive, but the tape format
cannot be processed on the drive.
SystemAction: The server marks the volume in an I/O error condition and
requests another volume be mounted.
User Response: Replyto the new mount request. If necessary, reset the error
condition with the UPDATEVOLUME command. The integrity of the original
volume may have been compromised. Todelete the volume, issue the DELETE
VOLUME command with the DISCARD=NO option.
ANR5362E (S/390)Requestnumber: Cartridge Length Violation on device real address.
Explanation: Atape cartridge has been mounted on a drive but the tape is too
long to be processed on the drive.
SystemAction: The server marks the volume in an I/O error condition and
requests another volume be mounted.
User Response: Replyto the new mount request. If necessary, reset the error
condition with the UPDATEVOLUME command. The integrity of the original
volume may have been compromised. Todelete the volume, issue the DELETE
VOLUME command with the DISCARD=NO option.
ANR5363E (S/390)Requestnumber: Cartridge Compaction Incompatible on device real address.
Explanation: Atape cartridge has been mounted on a drive but the tape
compression algorithm ID is not compatible with the drive.
Version 3 Release 7