column reference is prohibited because either 1) the GROUP BYclause has been
specified, 2) the HAVINGclause has been specified, or 3) at least one aggregate
function is present.
SystemAction: The SQL query is terminated.
User Response: None.
ANR2939E The reference ’reference’is an unknown SQL table name.
Explanation: The specified table reference is not one of the base tables defined by
the server’s database. The rows of the table SYSCAT.TABLES can be selected to
obtain a list of all of the valid base tables.
SystemAction: The SQL query is terminated.
User Response: None.
ANR2940E The reference ’reference’is an unknown SQL column name.
Explanation: The specified column reference is not one of the base table columns
defined by the server’s database. The rows of the table SYSCAT.COLUMNScan be
selected to obtain a list of all of the valid base table columns. If a two-part
(compound) column reference such as X.Y is specified, then the correlation name X
must be one of the active correlation names for the query.
SystemAction: The SQL query is terminated.
User Response: None.
ANR2941E The column reference ’column reference’matches more than one SQL column
Explanation: The specified column reference is ambiguous because it matches the
columns associated with multiple tables.
SystemAction: The SQL query is terminated.
User Response: None.
ANR2942E The column reference ’column reference’is not allowed in this context because it
is part of an outer SQLquery expression.
Explanation: The specified column reference is not allowed because it names a
columns of some outer query expression. Such references are not allowed when
contained within the expressions of the HAVINGand SELECT clauses.
SystemAction: The SQL query is terminated.
User Response: None.
Version 3 Release 7