SystemAction: The server halts the process that is using the volume and marks
the volume as read-only.
User Response: ForEXPORT,DBBACKUP, or DBDUMP tapes, restart the
export, backup, or dump operation. Do not use the tape for an IMPORT,
DBRESTORE, or DBLOAD operation. If the tape is a storage pool volume, you can
attempt to recover the data with the following steps:
1. Toidentify any missing data, issue the AUDIT VOLUME command by
specifying FIX=NO.
2. If recoverable data exists on the tape, delete references to the missing data from
the database by issuing theAUDIT VOLUME command and specifying
3. Issue the MOVE DATAcommand to remove all data from the damaged tape
after theAUDIT (FIX=YES) has completed.
NOTE: Issuing an audit command on a damaged volume can result in a large
number of logged messages.
ANR5332I (S/390)Request number: Assigning volume volume ID to DBBKUP.
Explanation: The server assigns the mounted volume for use as the requested
DBBKUP volume.
SystemAction: The server uses the volume for the DBBKUP operation.
User Response: None.
ANR5333I (S/390)Assigning volume volume ID to DBBKUP.
Explanation: The server assigns the mounted volume for use as the requested
DBBKUP volume.
SystemAction: The server uses the volume for the DBBKUP operation.
User Response: None.
ANR5334W (S/390)
Volumevolume ID reached end of tape.
Explanation: The server has detected end of tape for the specified volume. The
volume reached the end of tape before the maximum capacity value specified in the
device class was reached.
SystemAction: The server requests another volume if one is available. The current
process stops writing to the specified volume.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages