ANS9310E Mount FSM: ERROR - cannot FSM mount source-path on mount-path:error
Explanation: TSM cannot mount the file system due to the specified error.
SystemAction: TSM does not mount the FSM to the file system.
User Response: Correctthe problem and retry the mount.
ANS9311E Mount FSM: ERROR - cannot unlock file system, internal error: error
Explanation: TSM cannot unlock the internal file system lock.
SystemAction: TSM does not allow non-root user access to the file system.
User Response: Attemptto unmount the file system, and try the mount again. If
the problem continues, contact your service representative.
ANS9312S program-name: Cannot change owner/groupon file: file-name:error
Explanation: TSM cannot change the ownership or group, or both for the
specified file. This change is necessary for space management to run properly.
SystemAction: TSM cannot continue processing.
User Response: Ensurethat directory permissions allow the file owner or group to
be changed. Reissue the command.
ANS9313I One or more files will be retrieved from or stored to offline media.
Explanation: For the backup or archive operation, one or more files must be sent
to offline storage media (generally tape), or a migrated file must be recalled from
offline storage media. The waiting time depends on your site’soffline storage
management policies.
SystemAction: TSM waits for offline storage media to become available and then
User Response: None.
ANS9318W program-name: errorencountered while undeleting file system file-system.
Explanation: TSM encountered an error performing undelete on the file system.
SystemAction: TSM continues.
User Response: Continuewith normal operation.
Version 3 Release 7