ANR4577E Database backup terminated - volume already in use.
Explanation: During a database backup operation, a volume cannot be used
because it is already defined in a storage pool, or has been previously used by an
export, a database dump, or a database backup operation (as recorded in the volume
history) or is in use by another process.
SystemAction: If the database backup was started with the BACKUP DB
command, the database backup is ended and server operation continues. If the
database backup was triggered automatically,the backup stops and the server waits
for the retry period to expire and then tries the database backup again.
User Response: Specifya volume that is not in use or defined in a storage pool,
and that has not been previously used for an export, a database dump, or a database
backup operation as recorded in the server volume history information. The QUERY
VOLUME command may be used to display the names of volumes that are defined
to server storage pools. The QUERYVOLHISTORY command may be used to
display the names of volumes that have been used for export, database dump, or
database backup operations.
ANR4578E Database backup/restore terminated - requiredvolume was not mounted.
Explanation: During a database backup or restore operation, a required volume
cannot be mounted, because the mount request was canceled.
SystemAction: If the database backup was started with the BACKUP DB
command, the database backup is ended and server operation continues. If the
database backup was triggered automatically,the backup stops and the server waits
for the retry period to expire and then tries the database backup again.A database
restore is terminated.
User Response: Issuethe command again or wait for the server to retry the
backup and make sure the necessary volumes are accessible. If you are restoring a
database to a given date or doing a roll-forward restore, restart the entire restore
operation. If you are restoring a single database backup with COMMIT=NO, reissue
the restore command. If you are restoring a database backup with COMMIT=YES,
restore the complete backup series from the beginning.
ANR4579E Database backup/restore terminated - thread resourcenot available.
Explanation: During a database backup or restore operation, the server cannot
start a thread for the backup process.
SystemAction: If the database backup was started with the BACKUP DB
command, the database backup is ended and server operation continues. If the
database backup was triggered automatically,the backup stops and the server waits
for the retry period to expire and then tries the database backup again.A database
restore is terminated.
Version 3 Release 7