User Response: Reissue the command and specify a shorter management class
description. Refer to the Administrator’sGuide for your particular platform for more
ANR1569E Command: Invalid copy group name - groupname.
Explanation: Server processing for the command command fails because the copy
group name group name specified does not contain valid characters or contains too
many characters.
SystemAction: Database changes for the command are rolled back and server
operation continues. The command is not successful in changing the server database.
User Response: Reissue the command and specify a copy group name that
conforms to valid name requirements. For information on the character and length
specifications for valid copy group names, refer to the Administrator’sReference for
your particular platform.
ANR1570E Command: Invalid copy frequency - frequencyvalue.
Explanation: Server processing for the copy group command command fails
because the value (frequency value) specified for the FREQUENCYparameter is not
SystemAction: Database changes for the command are rolled back and server
operation continues. The command is not successful in changing the server database.
User Response: Reissue the command and specify a valid FREQUENCY value.
COPYGROUP commands, refer to the Administrator’sReference for your particular
ANR1571E Command: Invalid copy destination - pool name.
Explanation: Server processing for the command command fails because the
storage pool name pool name specified for the copy group destination does not
contain valid characters or contains too many characters.
SystemAction: Database changes for the command are rolled back and server
operation continues. The command is not successful in changing the server database.
User Response: Reissue the command and specify a storage pool name that
conforms to valid name requirements. For information on the character and length
specifications for valid storage pool names, refer to the Administrator’sReference
for your particular platform. For a list of names of defined storage pools, issue the
Version 3 Release 7