ANR8809I Request number: Please provide the label name for the volume in slot element
slot element number of library library name by issuing REPLYn LABEL=xxx
within time limit minutes, where n is the re quest ID and xxx is the desired
label name.
Explanation: ALABEL LIBVOLUME command is in progress, and the name of
the next volume is needed.
SystemAction: The server waits until a REPLYcommand is issued.
User Response: Issuea REPLYcommand, along with the request ID, and the
volume name for the next cartridge.
ANR8810I Volumevolume name has been labeled in library library name.
Explanation: The Label process with the search option has found and labeled a
SystemAction: The process ends.
User Response: None.
ANR8811E Command:The LABELSOURCE parameter is required when using SEARCH
with this command.
Explanation: The LABELSOURCE parameter must be provided with the given
SystemAction: The command is not processed.
User Response: Reissuethe command, and provide a valid LABELSOURCE
parameter value.
ANR8812E Command: The SEARCH parameter is requiredwhen using LABELSOURCE
with this command.
Explanation: When using the LABELSOURCE option with this command, the
SEARCH parameter must be also provided.
SystemAction: The command is not processed.
User Response: Reissuethe command, and provide a valid SEARCH parameter
ANR8813W Unable to read the barcode of cartridge in slot element Element number of slot
in library library name.
Explanation: The library barcode reader is unable to read the label of a tape
cartridge. The cartridge is found in the slot with the given element number.
Version 3 Release 7