ANR1152W Move data process terminated for volume volume name - sufficient database
space is not available.
Explanation: During move data processing for the indicated volume, the server
runs out of database space.
SystemAction: The server ends the MOVE DATAcommand.
User Response: Ifnecessary, make more server database space available.
ANR1153W Move data process terminated for volume volume name - lock conflict.
Explanation: During move data processing for the indicated volume, the server
needs to obtain a lock that was not available.
SystemAction: The server ends the MOVE DATAcommand.
User Response: Reissuethe MOVE DATAcommand.
ANR1154W Move data process terminated for volume volume name - threadresource not
Explanation: During move data processing for the indicated volume, the server
cannot start a thread for the migration process.
SystemAction: The server ends the MOVE DATAcommand.
User Response: Reissuethe MOVE DATAcommand. If the error persists, it may
indicate a shortage of server memory.
ANR1155W Move data process terminated for volume volume name - sufficient memory is
not available.
Explanation: During move data processing for the indicated volume, there is not
enough server memory available.
SystemAction: The server ends the MOVE DATAcommand.
User Response: Ifnecessary, make more memory available to the server, and then
reissue the MOVE DATAcommand.
ANR1156W Move data process terminated for volume volume name - internal servererror
Explanation: During move data processing for the indicated volume, the server
encounters an internal error.
SystemAction: The server ends the MOVE DATAcommand.
User Response: Contactyour service representative.
Version 3 Release 7