ANR8435I (AS/400)
CHECKOUT LIBVOLUME for volume volume name in library library name
has been canceled.
Explanation: The CANCEL PROCESS command cancels a background server
process that has been working to check out the volume from the given library.
SystemAction: The server process is ended and server operation continues.
User Response: Noaction is required.
ANR8436I Checking out volume volume name from library library name.
Explanation: In response to a QUERYPROCESS command, this message
displays the status for a CHECKOUT LIBVOLUME process on the server.
SystemAction: The background process operation continues.
User Response: None.The process may be canceled by an authorized
administrator using the CANCEL PROCESS command.
ANR8436I (AS/400)
Checking out volume volume name from library library name.
Explanation: In response to a QUERYPROCESS command, this message
displays the status for a CHECKOUT LIBVOLUME process on the server.
SystemAction: The background process operation continues.
User Response: Noaction is required. An authorized administrator can cancel the
process by using the CANCEL PROCESS command.
ANR8437E CHECKOUTLIBVOLUME for volume volume name in library library name
Explanation: The background process for a CHECKOUT LIBVOLUME command
has failed.
SystemAction: The background process ends, but the volume has not been
checked out of the library.
User Response: Makesure the library and drive devices associated with this
command are powered on and ready,then retry the command.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages