ANR8553E (Windows NT)
Device type volume volume name cannot be overwritten by DUMPDB operation.
Explanation: The specified volume already exists or contains data, so that the
server cannot allow new DUMPDB data to be written to it.
SystemAction: The server detects that the given volume already contains some
data that would be overwritten by the requested DUMPDB operation.
User Response: Ifthe specified volume does not contain any valuable data, delete
it and retry the DUMPDB operation.
ANR8554W (AIX)Dump/load command: Device class device class name not defined. Devtype of
FILE is assumed.
Explanation: The specified device class name is not defined with the
DUMPLOADDB DEVCLASS option, to the server in the server options file or the
server is not able to define the specified device class.
SystemAction: Processing continues. The dump/load process assumes the device
class is devtype=FILE and writes to or reads from a file.
User Response: Referto the other displayed messages to determine why the
device class is not defined. Correct the problem and restart the command if you do
not wish to write to or read from a file.
ANR8554W (AS/400)
Dump/load command: Device class device class name not defined. Devtype of
FILE is assumed.
Explanation: The specified device class name is not defined with the
DUMPLOADDB DEVCLASS option to the server in the server options file or the
server cannot define the specified device class.
SystemAction: Processing continues. The dump/load process assumes the device
class is devtype=FILE, and writes to or reads from a file.
User Response: Referto the other displayed messages to determine why the
device class has not been defined. Correct the problem and restart the command if
you do not wish to write to or read from a file.
Version 3 Release 7