conventions. The label found exceeded the maximum label size for removable media
or did not conform to server labelling requirements. If ????? is shown for the label,
it indicates that server was unable to read the label.
SystemAction: The volume is rejected.
User Response: Usethe appropriate labelling utility to label the media. In OS/2
and WindowsNT, the LABEL command is used to label removable disk cartridges,
diskettes and other media which appear as drive letters. This label must still
conform to server requirements.
ANR8782E Volumevolume name could not be accessed by library library name.
Explanation: The designated volume is in the inventory of the Library Manager,
but the physical location is either inaccessible or unknown.
SystemAction: The operation fails. The access mode of the volume is changed to
User Response: Ensurethat the cartridge is physically in the library, and
reinventory the library.If the volume location is resolved, restore the access mode
of the volume to its previous value using the UPDATEVOLUME command.
ANR8783E Label on volume in drive drive name could not be read.
Explanation: The server was unable to read the label on the indicated drive.
SystemAction: The volume is rejected.
User Response: Usethe appropriate labelling utility to label the media. In OS/2
and WindowsNT, the LABEL command is used to label removable disk cartridges,
diskettes and other media which appear as drive letters. This label must still
conform to server requirements.
ANR8784E File file name on volume drive name could not be created.
Explanation: The server was unable to create the indicated file on the indicated
volume. The server creates a file on removable media in which to store data.
SystemAction: The volume is rejected.
User Response: Ensurethat the media is not defective, and is properly formatted.
Ensure that there are not large numbers of files already in the root of the file
system. Some file systems have limits on the number of files that may be created in
the root directory.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages