SystemAction: Processing ends.
User Response: Besure that the SQLDSM.HLP file is installed to the appropriate
directory.If not, it may be necessary to reinstall the agent code so that the registry
is set up correctly.
ACO4201E Remote error type detected in local errorhandler
Explanation: An error was encountered with theADSM API.
SystemAction: Processing ends.
User Response: Reviewthe other messages regarding this error to get more
information about the problem.
ACO4202E Service error encountered, rc= %1!lu!
Explanation: An attempt was made to either stop or open a Microsoft NT Service.
This attempt has failed.
SystemAction: Processing ends.
User Response: Identifythe problem further by checking the circumstances that
generated this message and retry the operation.
ACO4203E Timed out while attempting to logon to theADSM server.
Explanation: An attempt was made to logon to theADSM Server. However, the
connection was not made in the allowable time.
SystemAction: Processing ends.
User Response: Determineif the ADSM Server is up and running. If it is, try
again. Otherwise, wait for the neededADSM Server to be running.
ACO4204W Availabledata exceeds the amount of available memory. Try reducing the
amount of stored data.
Explanation: There is more information than that which is shown. However, there
is no available memory to receive the information.
SystemAction: Processing continues with the incomplete information.
User Response: Try to obtain more memory and retry the command.
ACO4205E Timed out while attempting to logon to the SQLserver.
Explanation: An attempt was made to logon to the SQL Server.However, the
connection was not made in the allowable time, which is 60 seconds.
SystemAction: Processing ends.
User Response: Determineif the SQL Server is up and running. If it is, try again.
Otherwise, wait for the needed SQL Server to be running.
ACO4206E Caught exception while issuing dsminit.
Explanation: An attempt was made to run an initialization routine. This attempt
SystemAction: Processing ends.
Version 3 Release 7