ANS0331E No files have been previously backed up for this filename/filespace.
Explanation: Youtried to set access to files when no files for the specified
filename, drive or file system were previously backed up.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Ensurethat the correct drive or file system was specified and that
files are backed up for you to set access.
ANS0332E No files have been previously archived for this filename/filespace.
Explanation: Youtried to set access to files when no files for the specified
filename, drive or file system were previously archived.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Ensurethat the correct drive or file system was specified and that
files are archived for you to set access.
ANS0400E License file could not be opened.
Explanation: The license file was not found, or could not be opened because of
permissions or the file is corrupted.
SystemAction: The system returns to the calling procedure.
User Response: Checkpermissions on file. See if the license file is in the correct
ANS0401E Read failure on the license file.
Explanation: The license file was not found, or could not be opened because of
permissions, or the file is corrupted.
SystemAction: The system returns to the calling procedure.
User Response: Checkpermissions on file. See if the license file is in the correct
ANS0402E Write failure on the license file.
Explanation: The license file was not found, or could not be opened because of
permissions or the file is corrupted.
SystemAction: The system returns to the calling procedure.
User Response: Checkpermissions on file. See if license file is in the correct
ANS0403E Data in the license file is not in a valid format.
Explanation: The license file is not valid.
SystemAction: The system returns to the calling procedure.
User Response: Userneeds to obtain a new license.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
6. Application Program