ANR2108I Server HALT command: Reattempting to quiesce database update activity.
Explanation: The server is quiescing transactions that update the database so that
the database is in a consistent state when the server is halted. The previous attempt
at quiescing database activity failed because of the current transaction load on the
server.The quiesce operation is being reattempted. This action occurs when HALT
QUIESCE is specified to halt the server with the database in a consistent state.
SystemAction: When database update transaction activity has been stopped, the
server program ends.
User Response: None.
ANR2109I Server HALT command: Database update transaction activity could not be
successfully quiesced.
Explanation: After repeated attempts, server database update transaction activity
could not be quiesced. The server is not halted with the HALTQUIESCE command.
Attempts to quiesce database update transaction activity can fail if heavy transaction
load is on the server when a HALTQUIESCE command is entered.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: You may disable the server, cancel all client sessions accessing
the server, cancel all processes, and reenter the HALTQUIESCE command to stop
server processing. The HALTcommand may also be used to stop server processing
without quiescing database transaction update activity.Server recovery logic will be
used when the server is restarted to reconcile database transaction activity.
ANR2110I Commandstarted as process process ID.
Explanation: Abackground process has been started to service the command
command. The background process is defined as process processID.
SystemAction: The server processes the indicated command.
User Response: To query the progress of the background process, use the QUERY
PROCESS command. Tocancel the background process, use the CANCEL
PROCESS command. Use the process ID number to specify this process.
ANR2111W Command:No data to process.
Explanation: The indicated command does not have any data to process. This can
occur if the command specifies an empty volume or pool. The command ends
without starting a background process.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: None.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages