User Response: Call the function again.
ANS0259E The dataBlk buffer is too small for the query response.
Explanation: The dataBlk buffer is too small for the query response.
SystemAction: The system returns to the calling procedure.
User Response: On dsmGetNextQObj ensure that the dataBlk buffer is at least as
big as the query response structure.
ANS0260E An invalid option keyword was found during option parsing.
Explanation: An invalid option keyword was found in the dsmInit configuration
file, the option string, dsm.sys, or dsm.opt.
SystemAction: The system returns to the calling procedure.
User Response: Correct the spelling of the option keywords. Verifythat the
dsmInit configuration file only has a subset of the dsm.sys options. Check the error
log for more details about the error.
ANS0261E The configuration file specified on dsmInit cannot be opened.
Explanation: The configuration file specified on dsmInit cannot be opened.
SystemAction: The system returns to the calling procedure.
User Response: Verifythe file name.
ANS0262E The Include/Exclude definition file was not found.
Explanation: The Include/Exclude definition file was not found.
SystemAction: The system returns to the calling procedure.
User Response: Verifythe file name on the Inclexcl option.
ANS0263E Either the dsm.sys file was not found, or the Inclexcl file specified in dsm.sys
was not found.
Explanation: Either the dsm.sys file was not found, or the Inclexcl file specified
in dsm.sys was not found.
SystemAction: The system returns to the calling procedure.
User Response: The dsm.sys file must be in the directory referenced by the
environment variable DSMI_DIR. Verifythe file name on the Inclexcl option in the
dsm.sys file.
ANS0264E Only a UNIX root user can execute dsmChangePW ordsmDeleteFS.
Explanation: Only a UNIX root user can execute dsmChangePW or dsmDeleteFS.
SystemAction: The system returns to the calling procedure.
User Response: Run this program as a root user.
Version 3 Release 7