User Response: Correct the command and retry the operation.
ANS1927E The specified function is not implemented.
Explanation: The specified function is not implemented.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Correct the command and retry the operation.
ANS1928E An error occurred creatingthe registry staging directory.
Explanation: An error occurred creating the registry staging directory.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Correct the command and retry the operation.
ANS1929E An error saving one or moreregistry keys.
Explanation: An error occurred saving one or more registry keys.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Correct the command and retry the operation.
ANS1930E An error occurred creatingthe eventlog staging directory.
Explanation: An error occurred creating the eventlog staging directory.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Correct the command and retry the operation.
ANS1931E An error saving one or moreeventlogs.
Explanation: An error occurred saving one or more eventlogs.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Correct the command and retry the operation.
ANS1932E An error replacing one ormore registry keys.
Explanation: An error occurred replacing one or more registry keys.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Correct the command and retry the operation.
ANS1935E Toomany arguments specified for the BACKUP NTDS command.
Explanation: Toomany arguments were specified for the BACKUP NTDS
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Correct the command and retry the operation.
ANS1936E Not enough arguments specified for the BACKUPNTDS command.
Explanation: Not enough arguments were specified for the BACKUPNTDS
Version 3 Release 7