SystemAction: The command fails
User Response: Reissuethe command specifying a valid RETENTION value.
ANR2218E Command:A device class must be specified.
Explanation: The DEVCLASS parameter is not specified in the command
command name.A DEVCLASS value must be specified.
SystemAction: The command fails.
User Response: Reissuethe command specifying a valid device class. Issue the
QUERYDEVCLASS command for a list of valid device classes for the server.
ANR2219I Discard Data process ended for volume volume name - volume is not deleted
from storage pool storage pool name because the volume access is offsite.
Explanation: The process that deleted data for the volume shown has ended, but
the volume has not been deleted because the volume access is marked as offsite.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: To delete the volume, change the volume access to readwrite,
readonly,or unavailable.
ANR2220W This command will delete volume volume name from its storage pool after
verifying that the volume contains no data.
Explanation: ADELETE VOLUME command with the Discarddata=No option
has been entered.
SystemAction: The system asks whether you wish to continue with the command.
User Response: To process the DELETE VOLUME command, enter 'Y' to
continue or 'N' to stop the process.
ANR2221W This command will result in the deletion of all inventory references to the data
on volume volume name, thereby rendering the data unrecoverable.
Explanation: ADELETE VOLUME command with the Discarddata=Yes option
has been entered.
SystemAction: The system asks whether you wish to continue with the command.
User Response: To process the DELETE VOLUME command, enter 'Y' to
continue or 'N' to stop the process.
Version 3 Release 7