ANS9188E Not enough memory for recall operation
Explanation: TSM cannot allocate storage for the requested recall operation.
SystemAction: TSM cannot complete the requested operation.
User Response: Retrythe recall operation. If the problem continues, check with
your system administrator.
ANS9189I Recall stopped by user
Explanation: Yourequested that TSM stop the recall operation.
SystemAction: Recall stopped.
User Response: Continuewith normal operations.
ANS9191E Error checking file system state
Explanation: The system cannot open /dev/dsm or cannot open the file system.
SystemAction: Transaction stopped.
User Response: Retrythe operation. If the problem continues, check with your
system administrator.
ANS9192I Cannot disable file-system.
Explanation: TSM cannot disable the file system.
SystemAction: TSM ignores the request.
User Response: TSM space management is not installed correctly. Read the space
management documentation for installation instructions, or check with your system
ANS9193I Cannot open file-system.
Explanation: TSM cannot open the file system.
SystemAction: TSM ignores the request.
User Response: Verify whether this file system exists and whether space
management has been added to it.
ANS9194W Aselective migration is in progress. Wait until it completes and retry the recall.
Explanation: Youtried a recall operation while a selective migration is in
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
15. Tivoli Space Manager