ANR0259E Unable to read complete restart/checkpoint information from any database or
recovery log volume.
Explanation: During server restart, the server is unable to read a complete set of
restart/checkpoint information from any of the defined database or recovery log
SystemAction: Server restart is ended.
User Response: Ensurethat all defined database and recovery log volumes are
available for use by the server.
ANR0260I Database page logical page number successfully resynchronized.
Explanation: After detecting a partially-written database page, the server is able to
rewrite the page by using a synchronized mirror copy.
SystemAction: Processing continues.
User Response: None.
ANR0261I Recovery log page logical page number successfully resynchronized.
Explanation: After detecting a partially-written recovery log page, the server is
able to rewrite the page by using a synchronized mirror copy.
SystemAction: Processing continues.
User Response: None.
ANR0265E Log disk processing failed: sufficient memory is not available.
Explanation: At server installation, the server is unable to process the server log
disks due to insufficient memory.
SystemAction: Server installation stops.
User Response: Restart the server installation process with more memory
ANR0266E Database disk processing failed: sufficient memory is not available.
Explanation: At server installation, the server is unable to process the server
database disks due to insufficient memory.
SystemAction: Server installation stops.
User Response: Restart the server installation process with more memory
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages