ANS1132E ’Accessrule’ Access Rule already defined for node ’node’. Old rule must be
deleted before new one can be defined.
Explanation: Youare trying to define authorization for the specified node, which
already has authorization defined.
SystemAction: TSM did not redefine authorization for the specified node.
User Response: Updatethe authorization, or delete the old rule and define a new
one, or use the current authorization.
ANS1133W An expression might contain a wildcard not enclosed in quotes
Explanation: TSM cannot process the command because a UNIX shell expands a
wildcard expression, for example, asterisk (*) or question mark (?), that has no
SystemAction: Command dependent.
User Response: Enclosethe wildcard expression in quotes and enter the command.
ANS1136E Not file owner
Explanation: The file cannot be backed up because the client is not the file owner.
SystemAction: TSM skips the file.
User Response: None.
ANS1137W Invalid Index ’number’ skipped.
Explanation: An incorrect number was entered for the Index.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Correctthe Index entry and retry the operation.
ANS1138E The ’command-name’ command must be followed by a subcommand
Explanation: Youentered an incomplete command-name.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Enterthe correct syntax of the command and continue.
ANS1139E ’Subcommand-name’is an invalid subcommand for ’command-name
Explanation: Youentered an incorrect subcommand-name for the specified
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Enterthe command with a correct subcommand.
ANS1140E Invalid format for SetAccess command.
Explanation: None.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: Enterthe SET ACCESS command using the correct syntax.
Version 3 Release 7