processes will be denied to resolve the database deadlock. When server processes
encounter a database deadlock, they usually reattempt the function that was in
progress when the deadlock was encountered. Not all process can explicitly re-try
an operation. For example, migration and reclamation will eventually retry.
However, something like a delete volume run in a macro will only retry if the delete
command is reissued either in the macro or the command line.
SystemAction: Alock request fails for one of the deadlocked processes. Server
operation continues.
User Response: Ifa process can retry (like migration), then monitor the re-try
attempt to see if it succeeds or not. If it fails, contact a service representative. If the
process or command is not able to retry on it’s own, then reissue the command or
macro that caused the action to occur.If it fails again, contact a service
representative for further assistance to better isolate the deadlock condition.
ANR0400I Session session number started for node node name (client platform)
(communication method).
Explanation: Anew client session has been initiated by the specified node. The
session number, client platform type and communication method used by this
session are included in the message.
SystemAction: The server begins a communications session to service the client
User Response: None.
ANR0401I Session session number started for node node name (client platform)
(communication method) (WDSF client).
Explanation: Anew WDSF client session has been initiated by the specified node.
The session number, client platform type and communication method used by this
session are included in the message.
SystemAction: The server begins a communications session to service the client
User Response: None.
ANR0402I Session session number started for administrator administrator ID
Explanation: Anew administrator client session has been initiated by the specified
administrator.The session number, administrator’s platform type and communication
method used by this session are included in the message.
SystemAction: The server begins a communications session to service the
administrator client.
Version 3 Release 7