SystemAction: The export process continues.
User Response: None.
ANR0609I Command started as process processID.
Explanation: Abackground process has been started to service the command
command. The background process is defined as process processID.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: To query the progress of the background process, use the QUERY
PROCESS command. Tocancel the background process, use the CANCEL
PROCESS command. Use the process ID number to specify this specific process.
ANR0610I Command started by administrator name as process process ID.
Explanation: Abackground process has started to service the command command
entered by administrator administrator name. The background process is defined as
process process ID.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: To query the progress of the background process, use the QUERY
PROCESS command. Tocancel the background process, use the CANCEL
PROCESS command. Use the process ID number to specify this specific process.
ANR0611I Commandstarted by administrator name as process processID has ended.
Explanation: The background process to service the command command by
administrator administrator name has completed processing.
SystemAction: The specified process ends, and server operation continues.
User Response: None.
ANR0612I Import command: Reading EXPORT SERVERdata from server server name
exported export date export time.
Explanation: The background import process to service the command import
command is importing information exported from server server name with the
EXPORTSERVER command on export date at export time.
SystemAction: Import processing continues.
User Response: None.
Version 3 Release 7