SystemAction: The command succeeded.
User Response: None.
ANR3017I command: Profile profilename defined.
Explanation: The command has successfully define a profile.
SystemAction: The command succeeded.
User Response: None.
ANR3018E command: Profile profilename already exists.
Explanation: The profile specified already exists on the configuration manager.
SystemAction: Server operation continues. The command is not processed.
User Response: Decideon another profile name and reissue the command.
ANR3019I command: Profile profilename updated.
Explanation: The command has successfully updated a profile.
SystemAction: The command succeeded.
User Response: None.
ANR3020E command: Profile profilename not found.
Explanation: The profile specified could not be found.
SystemAction: Server operation continues. The command is not processed.
User Response: Checkto see if the profile name was specified correctly on the
command. Use the QUERYPROFILE command to check to see if the profile exists
on the configuration manager.Reissue the command with the correct profile name.
ANR3021I command: Profile profilename copied to profile profile name.
Explanation: The command has successfully copied the first profile to the newly
created second profile.All the profile associations were also copied.
SystemAction: The command succeeded.
User Response: None.
Version 3 Release 7