ANR2104I Activity log process restarted - recoveredfrom an insufficient space condition
in the Log or Database.
Explanation: The process that records data in the server activity log has failed
because of insufficient space in the server recovery log or database; space is now
available and the process is again recording data.
SystemAction: Activity logging resumes.
User Response: None.
ANR2105W Command: Node was registered in excess of license terms - node registration
will fail after 120% of the licensed quantity of nodes have been registered.
Explanation: The server has detected the addition of a node in excess of the terms
under which the server is licensed. The REGISTER NODE command will fail after
120% of the licensed number of nodes have been registered.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: Usethe QUERY LICENSE command to determine the license
terms that are no longer in compliance. Youmay remove nodes to reduce the
number of registered nodes or purchase additional client node connections. If
additional nodes have been purchased, issue theAUDIT LICENSES command to
resynchronize the server configuration with license terms.
ANR2106I Server HALT command: Quiescing database update activity.
Explanation: The server is quiescing transactions that update the database so that
the database is in a consistent state when the server is halted. This action occurs
when HALTQUIESCE is specified to halt the server with the database in a
consistent state.
SystemAction: When database update transaction activity has been stopped, the
server program ends.
User Response: None.
ANR2107I Server HALT command: Database update activity is now quiesced.
Explanation: The server has stopped all database update transaction activity.This
action occurs when HALTQUIESCE is specified to halt the server with the
database in a consistent state.
SystemAction: The server program ends.
User Response: None.
Version 3 Release 7