ANR9715E Error starting label activity for drivedrive name.
Explanation: The label utility is unable to start its activity for the given drive.
SystemAction: The program is halted.
User Response: Increasethe number of allowed threads or processes in the
system, then retry the operation.
ANR9716E Device ’library name’ is not accessable, or is not recognized as a supported
library type.
Explanation: The device specified for the library cannot be accessed or is not
recognized as a supported device.
SystemAction: The program is halted.
User Response: Retrythe operation, specifying a valid supported library.
ANR9717E Element address element address is not valid fordrive ’drive name’.
Explanation: The specified element address does not represent a valid drive
location in the associated library.
SystemAction: The program is halted.
User Response: Retrythe operation, specifying a valid element address for the
ANR9718E Device ’drive name’ is not recognized as a supported drive type.
Explanation: The device specified for the drive is not recognized as a supported
SystemAction: The program is halted.
User Response: Retrythe operation, specifying a valid supported drive.
ANR9719E Toomany drives were specified.
Explanation: The number of drives specified on the command line exceeds the
limits of the program.
SystemAction: The program is halted.
User Response: Retrythe operation, specifying only up to the maximum number
of supported drives. The program can be invoked with the -help argument to
determine this maximum value.
Version 3 Release 7