ANS9942S Space management has not been added to file-system file system. Do you want
to add space management now?
Explanation: Youtried to update space management settings for a file system to
which space management has not been added.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: SelectOK to add space management to the file system. Select
Cancel to return.
ANS9943I Space management has already been added to file-system file system.
Explanation: Youtried to add space management to a file system to which space
management has already been added.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: SelectOK to return.
ANS9944I Space management has been deactivated on file-system file system. You must
reactivate space management before you can remove it.
Explanation: Youtried to remove space management from a file system for which
space management has been deactivated. Youmust reactivate space management for
the file system before you can remove it.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: SelectOK to return. Select “Reactivate”, and then select
“Remove” to remove space management.
ANS9945I Space management has not been added to file-system file system. You do not
need to remove space management.
Explanation: Youtried to remove space management from a file system to which
space management has not been added.
SystemAction: Processing stopped.
User Response: SelectOK to return.
ANS9947E File:file-spec is in a file system to which space management has not been
Explanation: Youtried to migrate a file that resides in a file system to which
space management has not been added.
SystemAction: TSM will not highlight/process the file.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
15. Tivoli Space Manager