SystemAction: None.
User Response: None.
ANR1307I Disk volume volume name varied offline.
Explanation: The specified volume has been varied offline as the result of a
SystemAction: None.
User Response: None.
ANR1310E Vary-on failed for disk volume volume name - insufficient memory.
Explanation: AVARY ONLINE command has been issued for the disk volume
specified, but sufficient memory is not available to process the command.
SystemAction: The volume is not varied online.
User Response: Reissuethe command at a later time, or make more memory
available to the server.
ANR1311E Vary-on failed for disk volume volume name - unable to access disk device.
Explanation: AVARY ONLINE command has been issued for the disk volume
specified, but the server is unable to access the disk.
SystemAction: The volume is not varied online.
User Response: Attemptto determine the cause of the inability to access the
volume and correct the problem.
ANR1312E Vary-on failed for disk volume volume name - errorreading disk.
Explanation: AVARY ONLINE command has been issued for the disk volume
specified but the server encounters an error reading the disk.
SystemAction: The volume is not varied online.
User Response: Attemptto determine the cause of the read error and correct the
ANR1313E Vary-on failed for disk volume volume name - unsupported block size (block
Explanation: AVARY ONLINE command has been issued for the disk volume
specified, but the volume is formatted with a block size that cannot be used.
SystemAction: The volume is not varied online.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages