ANR1690E Error sending command \’command\’ to serverserver name.
Explanation: An error was encountered sending the specified command to the
server indicated.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: Re-trythe command against the requested server once the error
condition has been resolved. If the cause of the error can not be determined, please
contact your local service representative.
ANR1691E Error receiving responsefrom server server name for command \’command\’.
Explanation: An error was encountered receiving the response from the server
indicated for the command that was issued against it.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: Re-trythe command against the requested server once the error
condition has been resolved. If the cause of the error can not be determined, please
contact your local service representative.
ANR1692E Response for command \’command\’ from server server name contains invalid
Explanation: The output returned from the specified server for the command that
was issued, contains invalid output. The command response can not be processed.
SystemAction: Output processing for this command response terminates.
User Response: Pleasecontact your local service representative.
ANR1693E Unable to issue command \’command\’ against server server name - failure
starting thread.
Explanation: Athread could not be started to issue the specified command against
the server indicated.
SystemAction: This command is not issued against the server specified. The
process will attempt to issue the command against any other servers that were
specified for the command routing information.
User Response: Examinethe server messages issued prior to this message to
determine the source of the error.Re-try routing this command to the indicated
server after the cause of the error has been determined and resolved. If the error
cannot be isolated and resolved, contact your service representative.
Version 3 Release 7