Proxy Web services
See Quick Start for details.
Password expiration controls
You can reset the password expiration period for all or
selected users.
Licensing changes
Some features that formerly required the purchase of licenses
are now part of the base Tivoli Storage Manager product.
Changes for Version 3–January 1999
The section on client messages has been reorganized. The following
changes have been made for this edition:
Client Common Messages (1000–1999)
Variouscommand-line client messages were moved from the
client common messages to a new client message chapter
titled Command-Line Client Messages
Command-Line Client Messages (1053–3999)
This is a new chapter.
Enterprise Management (2500–2999)
This is a new chapter.
ADSMConnect Agent Messages
This is a new section and includes the following chapters:
ADSMConnect Agent for Lotus
ADSMConnect Agent for Microsoft
SQL Server
(0301–5203) The messages begin with prefix ACO.
ADSMConnect Agent for Oracle Backup (0410–0419)
Changes for Version 3–September 1998
The following changes have been made for this edition:
Enterprise Administration
You can manage a network of servers in a consistent way
from a single, web browser-based administrative interface.
You can set up one server as the configuration manager that
distributes configuration information (such as policy) to
Version 3 Release 7