ANR8255W (Windows NT)
Session terminated when no data read on socket socket number.
Explanation: The server cannot read on the indicated socket. This may be a
normal event if either side of the connection is abruptly ended.
SystemAction: The session is ended. Server operation continues.
User Response: Ifthe session is ended as a result of intentionally stopping either
the client or server, no response is required.
ANR8256W (Windows NT)
IPX/SPX driver is unable to accept a new session due to error in creatinga
new thread.
Explanation: The server cannot accept a client session due to the inability to
create a new thread.
SystemAction: Server operation continues, the session request fails.
User Response: Themost likely cause is a lack of memory. Ensure that there is
sufficient space for the WindowsNT paging file. Click on the system icon in the
Windows NTcontrol panel and then click on the virtual memory button. Refer to
the on-line help for instructions on how to increase the amount of virtual memory.
Youmay also wish to cut down on the maximum number of sessions that the server
can accept with the MAXSESSIONS option in the server options file.
ANR8257W (Windows NT)
IPX/SPX driver is unable to contact node name due to an output socket
initialization error.
Explanation: The server attempts to contact the indicated node name. The attempt
is unsuccessful due to the inability to initialize a local socket.
SystemAction: The attempt to communicate with the indicated node fails.
User Response: Ensurethat IPX/SPX is operating properly on this node and that it
can communicate remotely.
ANR8259I (AS/400)
Request number: Waitingfor the completion of an AS/400 MLB operation in
device device name.
Explanation: The server is waiting for anAS/400 media library operation to
SystemAction: The server waits for theAS/400 media library operation to
Version 3 Release 7