ANS0923E Database path name is invalid.
Explanation: The given path name does not resolve to a valid Notes database file
SystemAction: Processing stops.
User Response: Validate that the given path name is correct. If wildcard symbols
are used, refer to the user’s guide of the corresponding platform for the correct
usage of these symbols.Also check for defaulting to the Notes data directory to
ensure that the path name is not defaulting incorrectly.
ANS0924E Cannot restore to original database.
Explanation: An attempt was made to rebuild a Notes database from backup
copies of notes, but the original database file was specified as the target database.
SystemAction: Processing stops.
User Response: Choosean original name for the target database. The name cannot
belong to an existing file.
ANS0925E -days value cannot be negative (OS/2). The days value cannot be negative (AIX
and Windows NT)
Explanation: Only a positive number of days can be specified.
SystemAction: Processing stops.
User Response: Eitherspecify a positive number of days or let the system default
to restore all the deleted documents that it can identify.
ANS0926E Cannot open database.
Explanation: An attempt to open a Notes database was unsuccessful.
SystemAction: Processing stops.
User Response: Checkthe LOG.DSM file for more information about the error.
Verifythe path name of your database. If the path name is correct, then verify the
database itself to ensure that it can be opened through the Notes workspace.
ANS0928I Restore of Note(s) done.
Explanation: Restoration of one or more notes was successful.
SystemAction: The program completes successfully.
User Response: None.
ANS0929E User interrupted operation.
Explanation: The user has interrupted the operation (for example, by pressing an
interrupt key such as <Ctrl C>).
SystemAction: Processing stops.
User Response: None
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
16. Tivoli Data Protection
for Lotus Notes