ANR1492E command name:A loop has been detected in server command script RUN
commands - command failed.
Explanation: Aserver command script DEFINE or UPDATE command has
created a situation where one or more scripts invoke each other in a loop that can
cause the scripts to run idefinitely.
SystemAction: The command fails to update the server command script.
User Response: Servercommand scripts can invoke each other, but not in a
fashion that causes a potential loop in their execution. Specify the scripts in a
manner that does not cause them to invoke each other in a loop.
ANR1493E Command:Administrator administrator name is not authorized to update or
delete command script command script name.
Explanation: The specified administrator has entered the indicated command, but
this administrator does not have the proper authority necessary to update or delete
this command script. If an administrator does not have system authority,they must
have previously created or updated the script.
SystemAction: The server does not process the command.
User Response: Issue the command from a properly authorized administrator ID,
or contact the administrator that created the script.
ANR1494I command name: Command return code is numeric returncode.
Explanation: This message is issued during a RUN command (VERBOSE=YES)
to indicate the numeric return code that was returned from the latest command.
SystemAction: SCRIPT processing continues.
User Response: None.
Explanation: The ISSUE MESSAGE command with a severity indicator of
INFORMATIONwas issued.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: None.
Explanation: The ISSUE MESSAGE command with a severity indicator of
WARNINGwas issued.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages