ANR8912E Unable to verify the label of volume from slot-element element-addressin
library library name.
Explanation: The volume from the slot that is identified by the element address is
loaded into a drive. The drive cannot be opened following the load. The label
cannot be read to process the volume.
SystemAction: The volume is stored, and processing continues with the next
available slot.
User Response: Checkthe system error logs for errors reported by the drive that
are related to this volume. Make sure that the cartridge is not a cleaner cartridge
that would have been loaded by mistake. If the cartridge is a cleaner, issue the
QUERYLIBVOL command to get the correct storage slot for the cleaner and move
the cleaner to that slot. If the cleaner is not in the library’s inventory,use the
CHECKIN LIBVOL to check the cleaner in.
ANR8913I Drive drive name in library library name is currently busy; Cleaning is
Explanation: Abackground process to clean the drive is unable to acquire the
drive because the drive is busy.
SystemAction: The background process operation completes. The drive is
scheduled to be cleaned when it is unloaded.
User Response: None.
ANR8914I Drive drive name in library library name needs to be cleaned.
Explanation: The drive has returned indicating to the server that it needs to be
SystemAction: The server marks the drive to be cleaned. If the drive is enabled
for server-managed cleaning, and a cleaner cartridge is checked into the library,the
server will load the cleaner into the drive after the current volume is dismounted.
See the DEFINE DRIVE and QUERYDRIVE commands for information on
enabling server-managed cleaning. See the CHECKIN LIBVOLcommand for
checking a cleaner into the library.
User Response: None.
ANR8915I Cleaning cartridge cleaner name in library library name is near end of life; has
library name uses left.
Explanation: Acleaner cartridge is found and used, but its number of uses ih has
left is nearly exhausted.
SystemAction: The cleaning operation continues.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
3. Common and Platform
Specfic Messages