ANR8369E (AS/400)
Library library name is not defined.
Explanation: The designated library is not defined, but has been referenced in a
mount request.
SystemAction: The mount request is rejected.
User Response: Definethe given library or update the LIBRARY parameter of the
device class that references it.
ANR8370I Device type volume volume name is mounted mount mode, status: RETRY.
Explanation: In response to a QUERYMOUNT command, the server indicates
that the given volume is mounted for I/O operations. The volume is currently in
RETRY,meaning an attempt is being made to re-establish communications with
another server.If the volume remains in the retry state for the amount of time
specified by the device class retry period, the operation will fail and the volume will
be automatically dismounted.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: None.
ANR8370I (AS/400)
Device type volume volume name is mounted mount mode, status: RETRY.
Explanation: In response to a QUERYMOUNT command, the server indicates
that the given volume is mounted for I/O operations. The volume is currently in
RETRY,meaning an attempt is being made to re-establish communications with
another server.If the volume remains in the retry state for the amount of time
specified by the device class retry period, the operation will fail and the volume will
be automatically dismounted.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: None.
ANR8371I I/O is being bypassed for volume volume name.
Explanation: The indicated volume is mounted but the server is bypassing actual
I/O operations for the volume. The pool associated with the volume matches the
NULLPOOLNAME option in the options file or NULLFILEDEVCLASS YES has
been specified in the options file.
SystemAction: None.
User Response: None.
Version 3 Release 7