ANS8020E Unable to open file ’file spec’ for output.
Explanation: The file name specified in the -OUTFILE option cannot be opened.
SystemAction: The -OUTFILE parameter is ignored.
User Response: Allowprocessing to continue or exit the session and correct the
file name.
ANS8021E Exiting Batch mode session due to output file error.
Explanation: The file specified in the -OUTFILE parameter cannot be opened for
a session running in Batch mode.
SystemAction: The administrative client session is ended.
User Response: Reissuethe command with a valid output file name or make
space available for the output file.
ANS8022E Output will be written only to stdout.
Explanation: The file specified in the -OUTFILE parameter cannot be opened, so
output is written only to the standard output stream.
SystemAction: Output that would have been written to the output file is written to
the standard output stream.
User Response: Allowprocessing to continue or exit the session and correct the
file name.
ANS8023E Unable to establish session with server.
Explanation: The administrative client cannot start a session with the requested
server.This message is preceded by another message that explains the reason for the
SystemAction: The administrative client session is ended.
User Response: Attemptto correct the error. If the problem persists, contact your
service representative.
ANS8024E End of macro after continued command line.
Explanation: Amacro containing a continuation line has been executed, but no
more lines are found in the macro file.
SystemAction: The continued command is ignored, and an error return code is set
for the macro.
User Response: Correctthe macro in error.
ANS8025E I/O Error reading command input.
Explanation: The client is unable to read an input command from the terminal.
SystemAction: The administrative client session is ended.
User Response: Correctthe problem on the terminal and retry the administrative
Version 3 Release 7