ACO3836E TheADSMConnect Agent for Microsoft SQL Server is not properly installed.
%1 is a required file and could not be located. Please reinstall the agent.
Explanation: An attempt was made to start the SQLAgent. This attempt failed
because one of the required files is missing. The missing part is identified in the
SystemAction: Processing ends.
User Response: Reinstallthe SQL Agent to ensure that the registry is set up
ACO3856E Apassword must be entered.
Explanation: There was a prompt to enter a password for theADSM node.
However, the password was not given.
SystemAction: Processing continues on the panel to enter the password for the
ADSM node.
User Response: Reenterthe password for the ADSM node.
ACO3857E Aconfirm password must be entered.
Explanation: On the password prompt panel, you must enter a confirm password.
SystemAction: Processing is brought back to the password panel for entry of a
confirm password.
User Response: Entera password to be used for confirmation.
ACO3858E Aconfirm password does not match password. Please retry.
Explanation: Aconfirm password was entered that does not match the new
SystemAction: Processing is brought back to the password panel for reentry of
the confirm password.
User Response: Reenterthe confirm password and make sure that the confirm
password is the same as the new password.
ACO3862W TheADSMConnect Agent for Microsoft SQL Server is not properly installed.
Some functions may not work properly.The product should be reinstalled.
Explanation: An attempt was made to read the registry to determine where the
SQLAgent was installed. This attempt failed.
SystemAction: Processing ends.
User Response: Reinstallthe SQL Agent.
ACO3863E There are noADSM servers selected.
Explanation: Arequest has been made, but there was no ADSM server selected.
SystemAction: Processing ends.
User Response: Selectan ADSM server and reissue the request.
Tivoli Storage Manager Messages
17. Tivoli Data Protection
for Microsoft SQL