ANR7801I (HP-UX)
Subsystem (master) process ID is processidentifier.
Explanation: The server’s master HP-UX process has the indicated process
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: None.
ANR7801I (Solaris)
Subsystem process ID is processidentifier.
Explanation: The server process has the indicated process identifier.
SystemAction: Server operation continues.
User Response: None.
ANR7802E (AIX) Shared memory segments for a server running in the currentdirectory already
exist. The -Fparameter can be used to overwrite.
Explanation: Shared memory segments are created for each instance of the server
based on the current directory.This message indicates that the shared memory
segments already exist.A server is presently running from the current directory or a
server running from the current directory ended abnormally.
SystemAction: The server terminates.
User Response: Ifthe server running in the current directory terminated
abnormally,start dsmserv with the -F parameter to force the existing shared memory
segments to be overwritten. If you want to run multiple instances of the server, each
instance must be run from a separate directory with a separate dsmserv.dskfile and
have separate log, database, and storage volumes.
ANR7803E (AIX) Attempt to overwrite a shared memory segment, as directed with the -F
Explanation: The server has been started with the -F parameter and unsuccessfully
attempted to overwrite existing shared memory segments. This error occurs when
the user that starts the server with -F parameter is not the owner of the shared
memory segments and lacks the required authority.
SystemAction: Server terminates.
User Response: Resolvethe authorization problem and restart the server.
Version 3 Release 7