ANR8287W (HP-UX)
Unable to initialize Shared Memory driver - errorcreating acceptor socket.
Reason code reason code.
Explanation: Because TCP/IPrejected a request for a socket on which to listen,
the server cannot start communications through Shared Memory.
SystemAction: Server operation continues, but the server cannot accept sessions
from clients using the Shared Memory protocol.
User Response: IfTCP/IP is not started, use the HALTcommand from any server
prompt to stop the server, and restart it.
ANR8287W (Solaris)
Unable to initialize Shared Memory driver - errorcreating acceptor socket.
Reason code reason code.
Explanation: Because TCP/IPrejected a request for a socket on which to listen,
the server cannot start communications through Shared Memory.
SystemAction: Server operation continues, but the server cannot accept sessions
from clients using the Shared Memory protocol.
User Response: IfTCP/IP is not started, use the HALTcommand from any server
prompt to stop the server, and restart it.
ANR8288W (AIX)Unable to establish Shared Memory connection - insufficient memory.
Explanation: The server cannot accept a client session due to a memory allocation
request failure.
SystemAction: Server operation continues, but the session request for this session
User Response: Ensurethat there is sufficient paging space for AIX.You may also
use SMIT to determine if the number of applications is causing a memory shortage.
Youmay also wish to cut down on the maximum number of sessions that the server
can accept with the MAXSESSIONS option in the server options file.
ANR8288E (AS/400)
Request number: Device device name is not defined in library library name.
Explanation: The designated device has been provided to the server by the
MOUNT exit program, but the device is not defined in the given library.
SystemAction: Server operation continues, but this media operation fails.
Version 3 Release 7